Binary O” Detail

“Current” left hand view

“Gyrology” Detail

Artist Statement Carl Caivano

  I work to become aware of the various scales of our universe simultaneously. To combine images of subatomic particles, geographic references, cellular, mineral and star patterns to open up the feeling of the inter-connectedness of all scales of life. This micro-macro approach is often so difficult that I turn to the pure formalism of abstraction and make work that feels like music without lyrics. I am influenced by the superstring theory of inter-penetrating extra dimensions, something that is impossible to see but inspires me to build layered images that move in and out of focus.

     I am fascinated by the sensation of taking a two dimensional medium and bringing it out into three-dimensional space. I rely on the wall to bring brush-like strokes out into the viewing area. This combines painting with air, to help detach painting from the traditional flat rectangle and let it grow to become lighter and more buoyant. I try to make pieces that suffuse their surrounding spaces with energy through cast shadows and movement.

The materials I use combine color with shadow and light by several methods. I collage stained and reverse painted fabric to pre-coated sheet metal and wood. I paint with brushes and syringes. I use painted screening to modify the underlying forms with optical mixture. They also cause the color to shift as the viewer moves and adds an extra sense of movement and dimension, obscurity, and clarity.  Some of my work has reflective surfaces behind it to open up an illusionary hole on the wall creating a sense of passage between dimensions. The passage represents mortality to me after losing a loved one and thinking about the unsolved mystery of the other side of life